New Resources
New Resources
New resources in addition to all of the above to help you along with your studies (theory and practical)
Topics: Contraindications, RICE and Thermotherapy, Muscle/tendon/ligament injuries, Tissue repair process, Effleurage/Petrissage/Tapotment, Deep frictions, Pre and Post Event massage
Topics: Soft tissue release, Myofascial release, Neuro muscular techniques, Muscle energy techniques, Combining techniques
Topics: Energy systems, Postural exam, Active and Passive movements, Lower leg/Ankle/Foot anatomy, Leg injuries
Topics: Muscle types and sliding filament theory, Upper leg and Hip anatomy, Upper leg and hip injuries, active and passive movements
Topics: Effects of stress on muscles/skin damage/synovial joints, shoulder and upper extremity anatomy, shoulder injuries, elbow injuries, manual lymphatic drainage
Topics: Principles of training, Neck/back/hand anatomy, Neck and Back injuries, Hand and wrist injuries, setting up a business